A full evening of storytelling documentary wedding photography of a great couple Cath and Rob, on 13th October 2017 in Barry South Wales.
The wedding party of family and friends were there to celebrate the wedding and join in the excitement and wedding fun. It was nice to see everybody joining in on the dance floor, after Cath and Rob’s first dance. The build-up to the dance was a group involvement to the theme from dirty dancing. Poor Rob didn’t know what was coming. It was a blast. Everyone enjoyed themselves well into the evening with hog roast and disco to keep the fun flowing. Fantastic fun that everbody will remember for may years to follow.

Checking out the wedding guests

I do too

Wedding ring on the brides finger

We are married

Now let the weeding fun begin

Bride and guests

Mother of the bride



Groom relaxed at last

Wedding kiss

More wedding guests

Wedding guest

Wedding party

Flying bride

Flying wedding guest

Lets dance

Lets kiss during the dance

friends at a wedding

Wedding Party

Wedding party dance

Wedding party joining in with the fun

Wedding fun